How can I get more information on studying and living in France? Campus France South Africa can advise you on higher education institutions, programmes or opportunities related to your project in France but also on living in France. For the catalogue of programme taught in english, refer to their website.

If I am enrolling in a programme taught in English, may I apply for a scholarship? Yes, if you enrol in a programme offered by any French Higher Education Institution and if your application meets the eligibility criteria. In particular, the considered programme should be a Master or a PhD programme.

May I apply for a scholarship even if I am not a graduate yet? Yes, but only if you are currently in your last year of Bachelor/Honours and are applying for a Master level scholarship, or if you are in your final year of Masters and are applying for a PhD scholarship. You will need to include proof of your current year enrolment in your university; and if possible, your first semester academic records.

Can I apply to the scholarship even if I am not yet accepted at a higher education institution in France? Yes. In fact, you will apply for the scholarship before you apply to most (or all) of the higher education institutions you are interested in studying at in France. For the purposes of your scholarship application, you will need to submit proof of communication with the institutions that you are interested in studying at. If you are shortlisted for the scholarship, one of the conditions is that you are accepted to study a programme in France.

If I can’t apply this year, when will the next call for applications be launched? The call for applications for the France - South Africa Scholarship Programme is launched every year. Due to the differences between the southern and northern hemisphere academic calendars, next year's call will be launched in June 2025 for students who plan to pursue their studies in France starting in September 2026.

Will applying for a scholarship help to ensure enrolment in a study programme? Candidates must make a clear distinction between applying to a scholarship and applying to enrol in a study programme. Higher Education Institutions in France are fully responsible for accepting students in their study programmes. Scholarships will only be finalized if a laureate is officially enrolled in their chosen study programme, before their departure to France. The Campus France office in South Africa can only give advice and useful information to help the students chose a higher education institution and a programme. Candidates are fully responsible for their higher education institution application and to take all the necessary steps.

Should I apply to the first or the second year of the Master Degree? Due to the difference between French and South African academic frameworks regarding obtaining a Bachelor Degree, in some specific cases (if you have an Honour's), students can apply directly to the second year of a Master Degree in France (M2). Nevertheless, an admission to the first year of the Master Degree may be more appropriate due to various reasons: global level of the training and methodology differences, content of the lessons to be attended, specialities of the programme. The higher education institution remains solely responsible for the admission of the students.

Among the criteria mentioned, which are the most decisive in the awarding of the scholarship? Every criterion (academic excellence of the candidate, quality of the study project, motivations of the candidate, level of proficiency in foreign languages, etc...) is decisive.

Which level of proficiency in foreign languages is required in order to obtain a scholarship? The level of proficiency required should be consistent with the study programme to be followed. If the chosen study programme is taught in French, students need to have at least a DELF B2 in French.

Can I apply even if I do not meet one of the requirements? The rulebook page states all the requirements of this scholarship (age, citizenship, ...). If your application does not meet one of these requirements, then it will be marked as non-eligible and it cannot be considered.

I do not have a passport/ it has expired/ it is expiring soon. Can I still submit my scholarship application? Yes. You can submit a copy of your ID instead and, if you are shortlisted for the scholarship, you can submit the copy of your new passport. Keep in mind that a valid passport is required for travel to France and it is essential to have your passport by May in order to timeously complete various administrative procedures.

What form should the presentation of the personal project take? The presentation of the personal project (future plans) during an interview should supply the Advisory board with key elements which will help to assess the candidate’s choices in terms of host university, of curriculum, of research subject with regards to his/her previous studies. This presentation should be verbal and should clearly highlight the candidate’s motivation. There are no specific requirements concerning this presentation form.

What is included in a full scholarship? The scholarship provides a monthly allowance to pursue studies in France (covering living expenses). It also includes social security coverage for the whole stay in France, priority access to accommodation in CROUS student residences and one round-trip air ticket to France. The full scholarship does not include tuition fees. 

What is the amount of the monthly allowance provided? The monthly allowance granted is approximately 850 Euros for a master students and 1400 Euros for PhD students.

What is a cost-sharing agreement? A scholarship can be co-financed by a private company or a foreign or local institution. Different patterns of cost-sharing can be put into place depending on the nature of the relationship between the student and the co-financing institution. The co-financing institution will fully or partly fund the monthly allowance.

What if I don’t want to be part of the specific programme organized for the laureates for between February and July 2025? The programme is designed to prepare and better equip students to integrate into life in France and into the professional world after their studies. Participation in each aspect of this programme is conditional for the final awarding of this scholarship. 

Are there any commitments for a scholar after finishing his/her studies in France? The programme is aimed at promoting exchanges and cooperation between France and South Africa but there are no formal commitments. In the case of a scholarship with cost sharing scheme (from other public or private institutions other than the French Embassy), specific commitments may apply. This programme is not fit for individuals looking for immigration opportunities.

If my scholarship application is successful, may I defer my scholarship for one year? No. Scholarships can only be awarded for the relevant year of application.

What happens if I am unable to complete my studies in France? A strong motivation, a mature personal project and a commitment to complete a study programme are part of the criteria to select the laureates. The scholarship can be ended anytime if the laureate is not fulfilling her/his study requirements.

Is there any set quota on the number of scholarships granted? No, there is no specific quota. In the frame of the 2023 programme, 23 new scholarships have been granted. The total number of scholarships for the current academic year is 40.

Is there any set distribution of scholarships by field of studies? No, only the best applications are selected regardless of the field of study. All fields of study are encouraged. Every application and project will be considered.

What is the policy of the Scholarship Programme regarding women and formerly underprivileged people? We strongly encourage all applicants, including persons with disabilities, female students and students from underprivileged backgrounds to apply for the Scholarship Programme.

If I am awarded with a scholarship, can I travel to France with a family member? The French Embassy will only support the individuals awarded with the scholarship with respect only to matters related to their travel to study in France. For the travel of any family member, you must consult with a travel agent or relevant authorities for visas or travel arrangements. More generally, The French Embassy cannot help the awardees regarding any matter which is not related to the scholarship (help you travel two months in advance, find a home for your pet,....).

What is Campus France and what is its role? Campus France is an agency of the French Ministries of Europe and Foreign Affairs and of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. Its goal is to promote French Higher Education and facilitate academic international mobility and exchange. The local office in South Africa is more particularly in charge of helping candidates to choose the study programme that is fit to their background and to their personal project. The agency in France will manage all the aspects of scholarship for the laureates.

Do I have to create an account on "Etudes en France" platform? Yes, all international students from South Africa who choose to study in France (for a period of more than 90 days) need to create an account on Etudes en France. If you are awarded the scholarship, you will be exempt from paying the relevant fees. You can read more on the timeline and Etudes en France procedure or watch the step by step guide on the video below.